New Fan Art| Saturday, June 09, 2001 4:54 PM. | ColdFire |
After a bit of work, with some picture
donations by NightHawk (and myself), I have completed the basic Fan Art Section. It now has 4 pictures, all of which are in
the domestic art section. These were all done by NightHawk and I, since the outside
picture submissions have been a little slow...*hint, hint*. Anyways, go check it out and
enjoy it. Don't forget to send in your pics! By the way, the pic on the right was made by
yours truly, ColdFire. |
Site Updates
Cont.| Thursday, June
07, 2001 9:48 AM. | ColdFire |
here at Tempest Tek have wished for a long time to have our own search engine, which helps
you find stuff a lot easier on our site. I, ColdFire, have figured it out. You now have a
link to the search engine in the upper-right corner of this page. Although the page is not
glamorous (actually, I think it looks like crap, especially the results) it still serves
its purpose until we can better it. Some
other updates that are being made include new pages, new features, and as NightHawk
mentioned, the new splash page made by yours truly. Also, I am beginning work on the fan
art section, which will include some of my own work. Submit your own fan art here. We will review it and post it if it is
worthy of the privelege.
If you would like to know the reason why work the site
has suddenly increased by a lot, it is because aliens have taken over Tempest Tek, and
they certainly have a lot of work ethic. Actually, it is because we now have summer
vacation, and we have 2 new staff members, Doc
and Shoemaker. Both of them have proved their
worth and the site will become infinitely better with their contributions.
Site Updates| Wednesday, June 06, 2001 7:12 PM. | NightHawk |
you came in through our main index page page you noticed our new splash page. It is also
the new weekly image! Cold Fire worked long and hard on it, so if you like it give him the
congrats. Also, I just started the Final Fantasy X
section. It has some previews, downloads, and some basic information about the game.
Look for a character section soon.
Red Faction
Interview| Friday, June
01, 2001 8:06 PM. | NightHawk |
Well, this is indeed a great day
for all of us here at Tempest Tek. Today we are proud to give you our first exclusive
interview with Red Faction Programmer Dave Baranec. Read it and see what you think, and if
you have any comments about it just reply to the post in our General Chat forums.
The interview can be found here. We would like to extend our thanks to Dave for doing this
interview with us. |
Section Complete|
May 29, 2001 7:47 PM. |
ColdFire |
the SSX section is at full
power and ready to go for all of you eager fans...*cough*cough*.
Anyways, I decided to finish it so I could add something to the news,
the first post in sixteen days.
By the way, an interview has been set
up with one of the programmers from Red
Faction, a new game out for the PS2 and being anticipated for the
PC. NightHawk and I will keep you all updated on this matter. Please
check back soon to see it. Also, if you would like to see our Red
Faction section, it is up, so go check it...NOW!!
2 Page Complete|
May 13, 2001 7:11 PM. |
ColdFire |
getting back to working on the site instead of making a GUI, as some
of us like to call it, I have completed, as promised, the Diablo
2 section. It is now running 100% with screenshots, reviews, and a
working character section. Please do not look too long, or the
beauty of it may damage your eyes.
Gallery Up |
May 13, 2001 4:16 PM. |
Hawk |
a few hours of on-and-off work I have finally gotten the 3D gallery
up. This section of Tempest Tek, in the future, will contain vast
peices of computer made art. The sections that are currently up are
Sci-Fi, Characters and Vehicles. I chose these 3 different sections to
satisfy the style of choice of all our viewers.
Staff Member |
May 13, 2001 11:51 AM. |
Hawk |
I am
very proud to announce that my longtime friend Shoe Maker has joined
the staff of Tempest Tek. He will be working as a Graphics Designer,
news updates, AND Webmaster. That should give us quite a boost on the
speed work is done. So everyone give him a nice and warm welcome!
vs. DSL |
May 12, 2001 9:01 PM. |
Hawk |
people wonder which is better, Cable or DSL? Well, Team Xbox has
organized facts from each and they let you decide for yourself. These
facts include average monthly fees, availability, speed, and more.
This article can be found here.
Updates |
May 12, 2001 7:11 PM. |
Hawk |
have been working on the site pretty much all day and I am very glad
with what I have done. The PlatStaton2 and XBox Hardware sections are
up and running and now you can see screenshots and information about
each console.
Also, I have added skins for ICQ+,
Tribes2, Gaming Wallpapers, AND more 3D Wallpapers. Impressive or
what? Enjoy!
and Wallpapers |
May 12, 2001 12:51 PM. |
Hawk |
I am
very proud to announce that after many hours of work I have gotten the
Wallpaper and Skins section up. So far there are quite a few 3D
Wallpapers and 10 Breathtaking Winamp skins. Don't forget to check
them out because we at Tempest Tek only put the best of the best up
for download, so what better way to give light to your
Banner | Friday,
May 11, 2001 8:05 PM. |
Hawk |
As you have probably noticed there
is now a link to the SLA right underneath our banner. It is on every
page to show proud we are to be a part of it.
Joins the SLA | Thursday,
May 10, 2001 9:33 AM. |
Hawk |
Well, just yesterday I was saying
how it is a possibility for Tempest Tek to become part of the SLA
Nexus. Well, we are!
Anyways, for now we will still be hosted at Tripod until we can get
Dream Weaver to work. After that, we will probably be hosted by the
SLA, meaning no annoying banners and slow loading time.
The SLA page can be found at:
We here at Tempest Tek are proud of becoming a member of it, and
everyone should go ahead and check it out.
| Wednesday,
May 09, 2001 8:46 PM. |
Hawk |
Although we might seem to be
asleep over here ,
the truth is we are doing some internal work. This work includes
mainly staff and other such subjects. We are trying to find some
people who can help us put up gaming sections and such up quicker,
because 2 people simply isn't enough. Also, we have been offered to
become part of the SLA Nexus, which could be promising. Stay tuned to
your glowing monitor screens to see how things turn out (for more
information on SLA Nexus check the post in the General Chat forum
about this subject).
Up | Wednesday,
May 02, 2001 02:14 PM. |
Fire |
We have now had
enough posts on the Tempest Tek current news that we are now having to
utilize our archived section page. This is just proof that we are
doing well, for just being on the internet for a few weeks. Also on
the subject, we are now able to be found if you search "tempest
tek" in Metacrawler. By
the way, the ballots are still open and I would love to hear your
comments when you submit your vote (scroll down when you submit your
vote and you can add a comment there). Thanks!
Work Done | Sunday,
April 29, 2001 8:45 PM. |
Hawk |
Although to the
public it might not seem like we have been doing much work here, in
reality we have been doing tons of it. Before, each page used to have
its own left column, meaning if we wanted to update a certain link or
add new ones we would have to add it to all the pages individually.
Now I am glad to announce that we have a navigation bar of sorts,
except it is in the same frame and looks exactly the same. If you
notice a difference from before you must have real good eyes.
Everything will now be easier to update.
If for some reason you happen to see a page that has
a double header and/or navigation bar, simply bear with us while we get
everything updated and organized.
Are Open
| Friday,
April 27, 2001 12:32 PM. |
Fire |
The ballots are
open so cast your vote for how much you like the site, made by yours
truly, ColdFire, and his partner in crime (well, not crime exactly) Nighthawk.
So vote and we want to hear what you think.(by the way, my vote is
for #1, because I know that this site is god.) YEAH!!!
Page Up
| Tuesday,
April 24, 2001 09:22 PM. | Cold
Fire |
For all of you out
there that are so in love with Zone of the Enders, we now have a treat
for you. The Z.O.E. section is up. It was
accomplished after getting off of my lazy ass
and doing some work around here for a change. Also, work has begun on
an SSX section (kind of), so check back soon for that.
2 Page Up
| Thursday,
April 19, 2001 08:09 PM. | Cold
Fire |
Finally, after a bit of work, I have
managed to finish work (98% )
on the Diablo 2 page, in the
Role-Playing section of gaming. For all of you who have probably been
anticipating this, I would like to say thank you as you bow before me (in
advance of course, so I don't have to when you actually do) .
So anyways, enjoy it and let me know if you like something or if you
Page Up
| Wednesday,
April 18, 2001 08:41 PM. | Night
Hawk |
anyone noticed Tempest Tek's first game section is up. And what better
way to start this off then with it being about Halo?
Although there isn't much there yet, check back soon because that will
be where I'll be spending the hours of my life...not that I have one.
| Tuesday,
April 17, 2001 02:38 PM. | Cold
Fire |
we just got a new redirect URL, for all you lazy people out there. Now
you can just type in: and it'll take you
straight to your most favorite gaming site.
Banner | Monday,
April 16, 2001 06:43 PM. | Cold
Fire |
many hours of working on this banner,
trying to figure out how to use a lot of Photoshop options, I
have managed to finally complete my masterpiece. If you have any
questions, comments, suggestions, or complaints about the banner or
other, please email me!
Section | Sunday, April
15, 2001 05:42 PM. | Night
Hawk |
basic layout of the Gaming section is done. In the main column there
are the links for each game (under each system). On the right column
are the updates for each section. Any new reviews, demos,
will all be announced there. Although the Gaming page itself has had
no work, you can take a look at each genre page to see what I am
talking about. I even added a few game names for you curious ones.
Links Are Up | Saturday, April
14, 2001 09:20 AM. | Night
Hawk |
After non-stop
work on the website since last night I am proud to announce that most
of the links are now functioning. The only site area that is still not
up are the forums, which we still have to decide which is the best
choice. Otherwise, things are looking good.
Tek Launched | Friday, April
13, 2001 07:42 PM. | Night
Hawk |
Well, Tempest Tek has been launched for
the world to see!
Although only four links work so far and in each of
these pages pretty much nothing works, it is a start. We
will probably get every page online properly first and
later start working on each individual section. Although
this isn't the 'official' launch of Tempest Tek, it will
be a day that will be remembered in its history.